He Trudid it again.
Justin Trudeau got his nerd on today during a visit to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Here he is doing some kind of physics experiment involving a bicycle tire and perfectly rolled-up sleeves.
Then Trudeau took questions from the press. One reporter jokingly began by saying, "I was going to ask you about quantum computing, but..." Then he asked a question about Canada's mission to help fight Islamic State.
Because Justin Trudeau doesn't know anything about quantum computing, right? RIIIIGHT?
"Normal computers work -- either there's power going through a wire or not. It's one or a zero; they're binary systems. What quantum states allow for is much more complex information to be encoded into a single bit. A regular computer bit is either a one or a zero, on or off. A quantum state can be much more complex than that because, as we know, things can be both particle and wave at the same time, and the uncertainty around quantum states allows us to encode more information into a much smaller computer. So that's what's exciting about quantum computing, and that's where we're going."